Sunday, September 14, 2008

A day at the beach in winter

I definitely spoke too soon in my post just a few days ago when I suggested that the heat of summer was a ways off and going to the beach was something seen in the future. The following Sunday we went with friends to the beach and roasted for several hours.

One thing I love about the beach here is the full-service experience when it comes to all comforts and desires met by passing vendors. Just wish for something and an independent vendor is sure to walk by ready to please you (for a very small fee.)

Here are just a few examples of entrepreneurs working the beach.

Fresh fish cooked to order?

How about some kibbe? - still hot from the fryer.

Looking for a temporary tatoo?

How about some fresh shrimp? Or even a lobster?

Groovy necklace or bracelet?

Forget your sunglasses? No problem.

Fresh oysters for you and your friend?

How about the latest in pirated CDs?

And one of my favorites - BBQd cheese on a stick.

Viva Brasil!

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